
DREAM BIG ON PURPOSE with & start or refine your mission

Christian visionaries did you give up on your last business? Do you dream of running a successful business within God’s will that connects your gifts and your passion? If you don’t have an idea and you want to advance your life on purpose, keep reading. Grab your Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner system to connect your God-given purpose successfully and plan with faith-driven action to achieve your goals.



Have you tried launching into the deep with your big dreams and goals?

Have all your efforts failed to move you closer to achieving your dreams and goals, leaving you feeling stuck, defeated, and afraid to try again?

Many people I connect with have gone through the same struggles but managed to get on the fast track to winning. 

When you tap into Biblical principles that enable you to align purpose with big dreams and goals for faith-driven action your efforts flow with your gift.


Did you know that 92% of goal-setting and new year resolutions fail

Most people give up on their big dreams and goals when excited to accomplish them just a few weeks into the game. 

I’m not saying this to scare you.

I want you to know you’re not the only one going through this.

Who Am I And Why Should You Believe Me?

If you don’t know me, my name is LaTanya Quinn.

My big dreams and goals led me to publish and nationally distribute Industry Status Magazine with an entire leadership team and writers at age 27 (twenty years ago). I’ve written over 250 articles for LaTanya Quinn and Cure 4 the Soul Ministries in the Christian space and I sold over 60 original paintings as an artist.

However, not too long ago, I was in your shoes. Believe me, I was far from achieving more intimacy with God and my big dreams and goals.

I went from a wisdomless big dreamer to a ministry founder, and artist to where I am now.

What I’ve learned along my faith journey will help you reach your big dreams and goal-setting targets in a fraction of the time it normally takes, so you can get right down to success.


When I started in the self-employment space (over 25 years ago), I was young with big dreams and goals but lacked wisdom and insight from life experiences and the know-how to overcome big obstacles when my plans needed to pivot.

The old me only knew struggles, hardships, and frustration. 

Not only did I have a money problem, but I also had a spiritual maturity and alignment problem. I lacked the wisdom to apply Biblical principles for purpose and planning.

Today I’m using my gifts to monetize my work because it aligns with my purpose, big dreams, and goals.

None of this would’ve been possible if God hadn’t shown me what I’m sharing with you on this page.

First, let’s get clear on your #1 goal:

You want to identify your gifts, and clarify your purpose, so you can have a vision that aligns with your life. Vision leads to big dreams, goal-setting, planning, and success.

The Stakes Are Higher Than You Think

Now, because I’ve already gone through so many tests and trials, I believe that the tip I’ll share today will give you new hope and the desired success.

…and that by taking action, you can align your purpose with big dreams and goals for faith-driven action.

Just know this: there are serious consequences for not taking action. Besides continuing on in the rut that you’re in…

…you could end up losing momentum and never reach your targets.


Here’s where we left off:

I remember the season when everything changed for me.

I overcame a divorce, foreclosure, bankruptcy, rejection from potential employers, a second round of business debt, and an art business hanging on by a thread. 

I then sold mostly everything in my home and moved to another state to start over. 

I had no job or a place to live and I prayed for God to show me how to turn my life around.

These experiences grew my faith and trust in God more significantly. I asked God to order and align my steps and I got serious about my purpose and making new plans utilizing Biblical principles.

The change came when I gave up my big dreams, made a decision, and wrote out a plan that would help me to get to a purpose-driven life.

What would life look like if I Could Help You Navigate Your Challenges and Get you to your Purpose-driven life?

Picture yourself experiencing: 

more intimacy and time with God and His Word

greater financial freedom

using your gifts to help others daily

doing meaningful fulfilling work that pays


The Hidden Saboteur 

Have you ever wondered why, despite your sincerest efforts, your goals always seemed out of reach? 

Your goals are out of reach because of Identity Blindness. Identity blindness is something the Lord gave me in my prayer time. 

When you function from ingrained habits (on autopilot), the wrong habits prevent you from living in your true identity. 

Imagine it like this: If the person who is now in bondage to food understood their identity in Christ more clearly, they would see that food shouldn’t be their master. 

They’d study the purpose of food for the body and they’d adopt new habits and apply Biblical principles that align with who they are. They’d live from victory and have mastery over food. The way they view themselves and food would change, and their big dreams and goals would flow with who God called them to be.


The Effects Of identity Blindness Are Often Very Serious

Identity blindness can trigger more dire problems than simply lacking a sense of direction and purpose.

When Biblical principles are ignored and unchecked, you could face a life opposite of the one God created for your success.

This may sound bleak, but believe me: there’s a solid path to where you want to go. Just keep reading…

One way of telling identity blindness is rearing its ugly head is if you feel like nothing ever works out, no matter how hard you work or how much you contribute to getting ahead.

You give in and give up because nothing goes as planned.

The good news is there’s a quick and straightforward solution for this:

Get honest with God about your deepest desires and inadequacies, no matter how crazy they may sound, and learn about your identity.

These steps of honesty led me to a robust prayer and study life removing identity blindness while aligning my purpose with big dreams and goals for faith-driven action.


One of the secrets to my success in aligning my purpose with big dreams and goals for faith-driven action is learning and applying biblical principles to life and business for success. 

I learned over the years to be very in tune with God and His Word. And even more important:

I learned to spot consistent patterns in the scriptures, but first, I had to know MY IDENTITY.

Here’s How you can Replicate Success

You must believe that the Word of God has the answer for every problem you face in every area of life. 

You must believe God and who He says you are.

It’s about living by faith. 

And then, you move up and out into the marketplace using biblical principles for success to grow your business, ministry or BIG idea.

After A Long Journey Filled With Trials And Errors. I also Discovered What Works

Success leaves many clues in the Bible. It’s rich with biblical principles for life and godliness. It’s what the most successful Believers have in common.

They all had faith in God!

The most successful Christian entrepreneurs and ministers trust God in every area of their lives and live on purpose.

As soon as I started applying faith, biblical principles, discipline, and planning, my view on goal-setting and productivity consistently shifted. 

If these principles work for the successful business owners of the world, God’s principles work for His children when applied.

Within 90 days, I began moving into the purpose-driven path of faith, and the success I once struggled to achieve started showing up.

This experience left me with this:

If You Desire to Succeed, You Must Align your Identity, Gifting, and Purpose and connect them with faith Utilizing Biblical Principles for Planning.


Speaking of a plan, let me share with you the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner. It’s a goal-setting system specifically for believers who want to start/restart or grow a business or ministry. It’s a two-part system. 

  1. The Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide guide leads you to identify your gifts, purpose, and refine your goals. This process sets you into foundational alignment for thriving successfully in the marketplace.  
  2. The Dream Big Goal-Setting Planner is a system to track your daily goals, priorities, tasks, and habits. Look at it as your personal success assistant. Planning your months, weeks, days, and projects are vital for hitting your targets.


you need the dream big system & how to get it

I created the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner after experiencing many ups and downs with staying consistent and focused on my goals. 

I was tired of my plans failing and other planners not fitting my needs. 

I needed flow in my life to bring about the success I believed God had for me. I kissed my 6 figure sales job goodbye and I’m living out my big dreams on purpose.

What will happen if you maximize your relationship with God, succeed in your calling, and kiss the day job goodbye? The Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner is the system and tool to get you there.

We deliver the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner to your door within 3-5 business days and virtually fast-tracks you to apply biblical principles to your goal-setting process. 

Its goal guide is enjoyable and the planning is simple yet effective.


Take a look at what you’re going to experience with the help of the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner:

• You can achieve your desired goals without relying on copy and paste techniques that don’t fit you, fake gurus that don’t understand your purpose, and planning systems that don’t connect with your life and big dreams.

• You can quickly maximize your focus by my proven system that gets you to the solution.

• You can prioritize your schedule to create greater productivity to see progress in your personal life and business/ministry without wasting hours trying to figure this out independently.




So let me put your mind at ease: 

It took years of hard work researching biblical principles and reading many personal development books.

Thousands of hours and dollars were spent figuring out how to make this work.

Countless trial-and-error runs to hone the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner to perfection.

Thank God for showing me the way after many sleepless nights, failures, and prayers.

You can now get the “odds-defying” productivity coach at your fingertips.

My guide and planner framework has helped countless Christian entrepreneurs and leaders achieve success. 

Dream Big Goals cuts out the fluff and gets right down to the things holding you back.

Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner can help you where everything else fails.

It can work for you even if you’ve never succeeded in sticking to a plan long enough to reach your goals or even if you’ve never managed your time effectively and stuck to the planners you purchased in the past.

And get this!

Even if you’re short on time, the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner can still deliver results that can help you see the vision flourish while gaining crystal clear clarity and an unwavering sense of God-given purpose – at the same time.

In as little as 30 days, you’ll be amazed to see that you can Dream Big, discover your purpose, and see life through a new lens.

You’ll be amazed to see that over the next 60 days, you’ll begin to experience things like consistency, discipline, creative inspiration, better decisions, new habits, confidence in what to do next, and a stronger relationship with God.

 And it just keeps getting better:

In as little as 90 days, as you settle fully into the system and are now focused and equipped to win, you’ll have built goals that incorporate dreams aligned with God’s will, vision, identity, and purpose. 

You’ll be closer to putting or growing your business/ministry/BIG idea in the marketplace.



My Guarantee

I refuse to waste your time unless I can really help you gain your focus, clarity and a sense of purpose. It’s only fair to you that Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner not only meets the promises I’ve made, but that it exceeds your expectations.

That’s why Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner ensures your success with a conditional 14-day guarantee so you can prove this system works.

The refund process starts 14-days after you receive your delivery in the mail. If you’ve worked on the plan, completed the workbook and attended at least one of the included sessions you can request a refund. If, for any reason, you believe the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner isn’t fit, simply just contact customer service at sales@dreambiggoals.com or dreambigplans@cure4thesoul.com and request a refund. Due to the cost of printing, production, publishing, processing fees, and shipping. We can refund only 70% of your total purchase. Thank you for understanding. We hope the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner helps you reach all of your goals! Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner ensures your success with a conditional 14-day guarantee.

That alone is a sweet deal keep reading…



You Get These Exclusive Bonuses When You Grab the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner Today

When you see the discounted price I’m offering you today for the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner, you may think it’s a typo.

That’s why I added these exclusive bonuses 100% for free.


Don’t hesitate, as this offer expires on 5/20 at 8pm Central.

Check out this $499 exclusive bonus. It’s called Dream Big Hands on Breakdown! You’ll receive 100% FREE by simply taking action today.

It’s 3 self-paced hands on sessions to breakdown and unpack the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner. It covers purposeful planning & goal-setting and business growth strategies.

The breakdown session is packed with 4 hours of helpful content.

If you think that is a MUST-HAVE wait until you get a look at the Dream Big Ultimate Tracking Bundle. It includes 40 printables for each month to maximize your time by tracking your sales, time, financials, strategies, marketing, and more. This $199 value bonus will prove crucial in your quest for success.


And the best part? You get it for FREE!


I kept the best for last: 100 Money-Making Ideas!

Another $100 SUPER-BONUS that you’re getting for FREE today. Access to our private Facebook group and a FREE quarterly planner worth $$$. 

You would pay a pretty penny to get those 5 bonuses.

You get all of them 100% for FREE when you grab Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner today.


A Killer DEAL For Only $1997

Remember, the system is tailor-made to your needs and unique to your purpose. 

Today you get all this purpose-driven goal-setting goodness for a deeply discounted price of 


ONLY $467.

You get to save $1500 off the total price!


I Made a Ton of Sacrifices, so You Don’t Have to

With this one choice, you could turn things around not only for yourself but for your loved ones as well.

Your other option is to go at it as you did until now, praying for success without a solid plan or the right principles to get you there, and patching together info from videos and search engines.

You can continue wasting months, years, or decades on inconsistent strategies that get you no closer to your desired outcome.

I know how draining it is to wake up without a solid roadmap to work in my business and ministry.  


How Much Is TIME Worth To You?

If I could save you EVEN A DAY in your pursuit to reach your goals, is that day worth $467?

Saving and maximizing time whenever you can and living a purposeful life are worth the investment!

So give the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner a fair shot for that 21-day guarantee window I’ve promised you.

The Importance Of Living Without Regrets

The ABSOLUTE WORST that can happen is that you get 70% of your investment back.

Yet, if you do nothing, you’ll change nothing and go down the same road you’ve been on all this time.

Will you let me, your fellow sister in Christ, save you time, money, and heartaches? I want to help you achieve your goals and am thrilled to be a part of your journey.


LaTanya R. Quinn

P.S. If you have a few more questions about Dream Big Goals Hands on Breakdown , I’ve compiled a list of the most commonly-asked questions below.



What You Need To Know To Start the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner System

You must share your desire to use your gifts, live on purpose, and work for yourself with God.

There’s also another way of approaching how to align purpose with big dreams and goals for faith-driven action that can work, but it does not work as consistently as the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner:

You can gamble by attending endless seminars, webinars, patching together YouTube videos, and planning solutions to help reach your targets.

Yet, chances are you’ll get different results than with Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner. Why? Because my system is created specifically for Christian goal-getters, who prioritize God, live out their purpose, and create a livable income by faith.

So What Do You Do Next?

While the wisdom I shared with you will help you get the ball rolling, they need something to bring it together to help you achieve your goals.

One more crucial step is necessary.

I didn’t wake up one morning and suddenly knew how to crack “The Code” to unlock the “Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner

I spent the past 2 decades questioning my ability to succeed in business, 8 years in my deepest valley, and the answer I discovered was life-changing. I spent countless hours and lots of money on education and dedicated time to serving you through Cure 4 the Soul Ministries.

Those trials and hardships led me to create the powerful, definitive system to align purpose with big dreams and goals for faith-driven action, ensuring you can reach the desired success level in all aspects of your life.

And you do it without spending thousands of dollars and hours on the wrong seminars!

what you'll learn

on-demand HANDS ON BREAKDOWN course EXPERIENCE a $499 value for free

module 1

We unpack Identity Blindness in more detail concerning purpose, vision, BIG dreams, and goals.

The detail

We will unpack Identity Blindness in more detail concerning purpose, vision, BIG dreams, and goals.

Module 2

Goal-Setting Planning System deep dive to set up your next 12 weeks for success, and growth.

The detail

Goal-Setting Planning System deep dive to set up your next 12 weeks for success, and growth.

Module 3

Business and Marketing how to track growth and next steps.

The detail

Business and Marketing execution next steps.




Dream Big Bonus Instant Digital Download


Dream Big Bonus Instant Digital Download

Dream Big Goals 300 BUSINESS IDEAS

Dream Big Bonus Instant Digital Download

About LaTanya

Detroit native and founder of Cure 4 the Soul Ministries, Cure 4 the Soul, and Dream Big Goals. I began my walk and relationship with Christ as a child. I have been a goal-setter for over two decades and have experienced successes, wins, inconsistencies, and failures. However, understanding God’s will and placing faith in Him for every area of my life, along with spiritual disciplines and Biblical principles guiding me, has truly allowed for success in recent years. I sold collectively over $8M in my professional corporate selling career. I had highly successful seasons in my art business from 2011-2018. To God be the glory. 


$ 367 One Time
  • Goal-Setting Guide & Planner (Quarterly Planner Included)
  • Bonus - 1 Additional Quarterly Planner (Included if you buy on day 1 of Challenge code DAY1)
  • Bonus - Dream Big Ultimate Tracking Bundle
  • Bonus - The Dream Big Business Resource Kit
  • Bonus - 300+ Business Ideas
  • Dream Big Private Facebook Group Access


$ 467 One Time
  • Goal-Setting Guide & Planner (Quarterly Planner Included)
  • Bonus - 1 Additional Quarterly Planner (Included if you buy on day 1 of Challenge code DAY1 )
  • Bonus - Dream Big Ultimate Tracking Bundle
  • Dream Big Business Resource Kit
  • Bonus - 300+ Business Ideas
  • Dream Big Private Facebook Group Access
  • Hands-on Breakdown Workshop


$ 197 3 Payments
  • Goal-Setting Guide & Planner (Quarterly Planner Included)
  • Bonus - 1 Additional Quarterly Planner (Included if you buy on day 1 of Challenge code DAY1)
  • Bonus - Dream Big Ultimate Tracking Bundle
  • Dream Big Business Resource Kit
  • Bonus - 300+ Business Ideas
  • Dream Big Private Facebook Group Access
  • Hands-on Breakdown Workshop
  • 3 Month Payment Plan


Most frequent questions and answers

Dream Big Goals does not guarantee results. Each individual is different, and results will vary. The level of discipline, commitment, and work requirements are unique to everyone’s needs. However, our system offers assistance in planning and implementation with Biblical principles for unpacking your purpose and setting up a winning strategy. The package with the Hands-on option helps with better results.

Access to the on-demand breakdown course will be available the Monday morning after the system goes off of the market for purchase. This gives you time to receive and look over your materials so that everything makes sense. You can watch them when you can at your own pace with lifetime access. You’ll receive an email when the 3 part modules are available.

Anyone attending the on-demand hands-on breakdown must buy their own Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner system. They can also attend if you purchased the system for them as a gift.

The Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner is a system for Christian visionaries and goal-getters. Firstly, the goal guide is designed to deep dive into your life to unlock your purpose and mission. Additionally, it will guide you through the steps necessary to think about your life, desires, business, complete all the research, get it started, and map out a plan of action. The faith-driven action plan leads you into the 13 week (90-day/quarterly planning) it’s set up to keep you on track with every area of your life each month, week, and day. There is a system built into the planner to keep you focused on deliverables and results.

The 14-day refund process starts on the day your system is delivered to your address. Your order normally is received within 3-5 days of purchase.  If you’ve worked on the plan and completed the workbook, and attended at least one of the workshop sessions, you can request a refund. If, for any reason, you believe the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner isn’t fit, simply just contact customer service at sales@dreambiggoals.com or dreambigplans@cure4thesoul.com and request a refund. Simply return the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide and Planner within 14 days of receipt. Please contact us to request a return address, you’ll be responsible for the return shipment cost. Due to the cost of printing, production, publishing, processing fees, and shipping. We can refund 70% of the total product price. Thank you for understanding. We hope the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner helps you reach all of your goals! Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner ensures your success with a conditional 14-day guarantee.

Pricing is subject to change each time the system is offered. The founding members phase has passed. With each time the system is offered, the price is subject to increase, and the hands-on breakdown, and bonuses may not be offered. Each offering may be slightly different as challenges and the system goes back on the market.

The 13-week planning system is based on managing your goals in 90-day/quarterly increments. When you buy any of the options selected, you’ll be placed on a subscription for the 13-week planner. It will be automatically billed and shipped based on your trial period. In this case, you receive 2 planners (1 is a bonus) with the purchase (120 days worth of planning). The new one will invoice and billed in April 2023 and will go out a couple of weeks later. When you purchase the Dream Big Goal-Setting Guide & Planner you’ll be able to login and change subscription & pay method options. See your order confirmation for the link to your account and select the reset password option.